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Blog Entry #4


Updated: Feb 28, 2024

My favorite part of the Aerospace Corporation field trip was getting to play with the four wheel drive robots they had for us to use. I also really enjoyed getting to be in a fake rocket launching scenario wearing the headsets. I admire what they do there and feel like they are a huge part of space research and furthering space exploration.

Scientists at Aerospace are working on a Lithium-ion Battery Deorbiter. The concept leverages the occurrence of thermal runaway in Lithium- ion batteries to produce propulsion that can decrease a satellite's orbit sufficiently for it to disintegrate in 

the Earth's atmosphere. This technique for deorbiting a satellite has the benefit of not 

needing any extra weight or hardware.

Orville Wright: I gripped the controls of my brother and I's makeshift aircraft, my heart pounded with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. The aircraft rattled as my mind raced with anticipation. The ground fell away and I was then soaring into the unknown. In the chaos of the moment I screamed to my brother "We're flying, Wilbur! We're actually flying!"


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